nCentiv Logo

Effortlessly connect with hungry people

nCentiv is the absolute fastest way to grow your customer count with targeted digital ads

Make ads instantly with just an address and a budget

No social media account required

Getting Started

Sign up is free.

Each location you add to your account has a flat monthly fee. See pricing for details.

No Ad Accounts Required to publish

No Ad Accounts Required to publish

Sign up and launch your campaign without ever needing an account to integrate on the ad platform.

Set a budget to reach your customer goal

Set a budget to reach your customer goal

Our intelligent estimator knows your customers and your market well enough to budget your campaign upfront.

Publish Ads

nCentiv dashboard ads

Choose your Call to Action

Convert orders, reservations or loyalty programs with a destination URL. Integrate nCentiv with your POS for maximum ROI on new business.

Choose your discount

Define a compelling marginal discount for attracting new customers before you publish. Let us automate the rest.

Your First Campaign

Ad Details and Campaign Customization

Convert orders, reservations or loyalty programs with a destination URL. Integrate nCentiv with your POS for maximum ROI on new business.

Understanding Performance Score

Define a compelling marginal discount for attracting new customers before you publish. Let us automate the rest.

Tracking and Maintaining

Renew or Pause any campaign, right from your email

Renew or Pause any campaign, right from your email

Don’t waste time with ad management. Get notified when your balance is low. If your nCentiv campaign is working, renew it automatically or pause via email.

Track ROI at a glance or dig into performance

Track ROI at a glance or dig into performance

Automatically track spend on media vs. the transactions your campaign generates. Unique IDs allow for detailed performance tracking.